Monday, April 13, 2009


Here's what I've got so far, or well the preface anyway...


[poem the moon, see bellow]

Ashley groaned as she threw the now crumpled sheet in to the trash, missing it in her fury. She returned to the window, staring out at the near perfect sky. At anytime it would have been perfect; the stars were illuminated glowing with hope any certainty; the wind, calm only with the slightest breeze sending air though the dark open window; the moon a perfect crescent, reflecting though the trees and lighting up the dark night.
Yet the night, as perfect as it was, for Ashley it was ruined.
The news of her brother, though to anyone else old, was the same as the first. She had started writing as soon as she could contain the tears that ruined the page.
She turned her gaze to the sky, letting her mind wander with the patterns of the stars. It was as if everything reminded her.
She slammed closed the window, to hard it seems and she listened to see if she had startled anyone. The silence was unnerving. She turned to reach for her light, knocking over instead the picture of her brother. Tears threatened to fall down her face. It was not the though of her brother, but the the frame he had given her, and his high school picture that was contained in behind the glass.
It was a memory she wanted to forget, but deep down, subconsciously she never really wanted to. it was the most changing moment of her life. Like the picture, which she now picked up, he was flat a relaxed, in a wooden frame that day. The coffin had been lowered and she turned away.
She flipped over the picture, it too had no life left in it. That is what finally broke her guard. She glanced at the clock, sighing as effortlessly as she could as tears streamed down her face. Pulling the electrical cord for the alarm clock as she did, she fell into her bed wishing not to sleep or stay awake as the memories tore silently at her heart.

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